Ashley and Brenda Hanson live in Edmonton, ALberta. Ashley is finishing off his psychology degree and working as a youth worker. Brenda recently finished her Kinesiology degree and is working! This blog is the exciting life and times of the Edmonton Hansons!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007


I got a new job!!! I am now the events and booking specialist for a major recreation complex in a suburb of Edmonton. I start my new job on April 24th and I am super excited. I am excited to be starting something new and learning new things, and the extra money isn't bad either!
So, things are starting to get a little better at the moment...hopefully the good times are starting for us now!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't do this to me!!My first thoughts are "Brenda is pregnant"!! Ok. The job is good news too!! Congrats.
Hey- it is time for you to join I have met up with lots of holsby folk on there... anyone else reading this from hoslby... JOIN UP!!

10:10 AM

Blogger Heather Peters said...


Dwayne and I both got new, better paying, jobs in the last month. Life is good!!

12:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...'re so grown up now bren...

1:16 PM

Blogger Kimberly said...

Yay God! That sounds like a wonderful job!

1:21 PM

Blogger Luke and Jenn said...

Hey Brenda! Congratulations! Swimming is fun when the current is flowing your way.

1:27 PM

Blogger Jesse and Sarah said...

Congratulations Brenda!!! What suburb? I'm excited for you. We're going to be in Edmonton in May and can't wait to see you guys.

9:44 PM

Blogger Brad and Samantha said...

Congrats on your getting a job Bren that is awesome!! I hope it works out well for you!
Love ya,

4:12 PM


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